E-Mail Security Analysis Services

Here you can help identify threats that are targeting your organization and determine how you should protect your organization, workers and data. Network Defense Solutions, Inc. can help provide e-mail analysis of suspected e-mail messages for both phishing and malware. Our analysis dives deep into the threats and their origins to help you understand how your attackers think and how their tools / phishing campaigns come together.


E-mail Malware Analysis

Our approach to malware is seen through the eyes of an attacker. We have built tools that help identify both static and dynamic analysis IOC's along with detailed reports on the type of malware and what the specific malware may do to your organization before it hits your systems! Our hybrid approach analyzes the file, e-mail, e-mail origin what it does to your operating system, network traffic and, what it's doing in memory through memory forensics.

Once a file is received an analyst will also review the information and provide best practices how to harden your systems and possible next steps to block the threat actor. Currently these services are only for Microsoft Windows Operating systems however, we are seeking ways to expand our analysis approach to incorporate MacOS and, Linux.

Phishing Analysis

Phishing is the easiest method for an attacker to gain a stronghold on your environment. The threat actor is exploiting the weakest link in the security chain: the human. Once an attacker has a user password he / she is now an insider threat. Phishing analysis analyzes the e-mail origin, the location where the attack tactic is located as well as attempt to identify additional IOC's to help target the threat actor or where he or she obtained the phishing campaign from (well known locations or, new campaign).

Our approach to phishing campaigns is to identify the remote server, if it's been breached; what campaign the threat actor is using and attempt to track the campaigns back to patient 0. On top of this we will also provide in-depth analysis describing how we have come to the conclusion that the e-mail does contain a phishing campaign, how you can better educate your employees to spot the attack and report similar events in future.

360º Analysis

With our 360º analysis approach you will receive both malware and phishing campaign analysis. Detailed reports of what the campaign does, where it communicates, how a particular piece of malware will infect and attack your environment and what steps you can do to prevent this type as well as future types of attacks. You will also receive information regarding phishing attacks, how to spot, report and avoid them in future attempts as well as quarterly (Jan - Mar, Apr - Jun, Jul - Sep, Oct - Dec) phihsing exercises selected by you to target your employees to see who is reporting incidents, clicking on incidents and not reporting e-mails.

With the 360º approach you will also receive best practices and education every 3 months (Remote and Document based) to help keep your employees one step ahead of attackers.

You will also receive tools that run on your Microsoft Windows desktop to help identify phishing e-mails as well as tools that can spot malware. Should you wish to have immediate responses to malware or phishing campaigns you can submit them to us for automated round-the-clock analysis.

Benefits of in-depth Threat Identification

Cost: most threat detection systems are well into the tens of thousands of dollars, or are a few hundred per year (end-point anti-virus) and don't really tell you what threat agents are doing or will do within your environment. For smaller businesses which are under attack 24/7 there is no happy medium. Either cost is too high or solutions don't offer enough information or insight that is of use to your environment.

Employee Education & Awareness: Almost every solution on the market will come with training on how to use the tools they provide. While this is great, where does it leave your employees? A crucial point of security sustainability is the education of your employees. Not only will the right tools help them so will educating them on spoting and reporting attacks. With our 360º approach you will receive the following:




Malware Analysis Mailbox set up specifically for your organization for you to send samples to (complete e-mails)

Includes static and Dynamic Analysis and full report.
Helps identify the malware that threat actors are utilizing to target your organization and what steps you can take to affectively remediate such breaches.
Phishing Analysis Mailbox set up specifically for your organization for you to send phishing samples to.

E-mails will be analyzed for IOC's, senders, type of campaign and a full report.
Identify origins of e-mail, IP, IOC, domain information as well as campaign IOC's and where a campaign potentially originated from.
306º Analysis Mailbox set up for you to send malware and phishing samples to. Services include:

Domain information, e-mail header analysis, domain IOC's and tracking of threat actors.
Malware analysis static/dynamic as well as memory analysis and system changes.
Full write-up and report.
Identify and track all threats Phishing, E-mail, Malware and education of your employees with quarterly phishing tests.

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