Data Backups For MacOS & iOS

The purpose of this blog post will hopefully be to put into prospective the different types of backups and, how your data can be managed per-device. Rather than not complicate things for privacy (and also simplicity) the main objective of this blog will be for Apple users. This will include MacOS, iPhone and iPad as well as link some knowledge base articles that can help you setup the discussed services or services like the ones discussed.

Backup Strategies For Home & Business

This article is centralized around backup strategies for home users, and what a backup strategy is. The backup strategies discussed herein will be around RAID and what types of hardware users should deploy in a home, or SoHo Environment when attempting to provide some recovery mechanics for their data, or their business. This article looks at both internal RAID and NAS based RAID systems, breaks down the information you need to know and assists you with a direction to head when attempting to deploy such a solution.

Evil Twins

Ever wondered what all the hype is about, about not connecting or trusting wifi hot spots on the road? Well, here is a quick lesson on what attackers do, and what an evil twin is. This document also covers how to set up an evil twin and where you can go to get the hardware to set one up.

How Scammers Should Code

So, it's come to my attention that malware writers that are attempting to get into, and onto a persons computer are not doing a good job of R&D Before they are writing their applications and are just making total idiots of themselves. In this blog post I'm going to attempt to cover something that should be discussed but never really is. How to write malware in the internet age and actually get your malware onto a target system.

Webcam Attacks Explained

This document will provide a base line for what you may see when and if your webcam is being attacked by an attacker on the internet. Within this blog posting we will also take a look at ways you can disable, or damage the driver so that you can assure you will not be in someones blackmail listing. This document covers Windows XP Professional but can also extend to Windows versions 7, 8 and above.

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