Active Security Monitoring

Maintaining a web site, server or other on-demand technology is difficult enough. Maintaining the security of your environment can become a daunting task. Any business that has sustained an impact or incident event can tell you. Proper logging, detection and remediation are important. Security should be viewed as a "when it happens" rather than "if it happens." Being prepared with the right tools can give you a fighting chance to weather the storm. The landscape offers tools to small businesses to assist with attack remediation and detection however, most are out of the reach; either due to complexity or cost. To find out how you can protect your company, please click the

Active security monitoring takes the vantage point of each service that is provided to encompass your web location with a security solution that is affordable and effective! Our tools will actively monitor your databases, file system, provide log scanning and review, log analysis, malware detection and if your site sustains an attack remediation by an analyst.

Monitoring tools and utilities are designed to have a low-impact to your environment and run without any intervention. Depending on the level of verbosity or engagement you choose when you select the services will dictate how aggressive our tools will be if in the event an attacker makes his or her way onto your server. You can choose to allow our tools to alert and notify you. Or, we can configure your environment to not only provide alerting and detection but also engage the attacker and limit access.

Active detection and monitoring will limit the amount of data an attacker can exfiltrate or stop the entire attack altogether. Support for our security services is a 24/7/365 so you don't have to worry about long-term impacts from a breach or attempted breach.

What's Covered?

Active services will detect changes to your site which would normally impact business operations. From malvertising, database edits, defacement, malware, SQL Injection, XSS/XST, etc. In addition to active scanning and blocking (or reporting only) your logs will be pulled at the first sign of incident, as well as reviewed monthly to allow us to determine what types of attacks you're seeing and, how we can work together to limit the attack surface.

Not only will you receive status information regarding attacks, you will also be provided remediation strategies. Suggestions including IP blocking, forecasting and breach mitigation if in the event you sustain a breach.

Combine all the security services with off-site storage/backup your site can be re-deployed after an incident is detected all while preserving logs, files and artifacts that can aid in an investigation.

Will This Work For Me?!

With most hosting companies, the solutions we provide can and will work. If you choose to VPS host, more control can be given to the security tools and how we respond to events with a much more granular and layered approach.

We currently have full support for WordPress and, Joomla! as well as static web locations. Additionally, we can work with your organization to plan, develop and deploy a solution that fits your needs and your company with the services you purchased for your small / medium sized business.

If however, the services you are purchasing don't allow for the implementation of additional security tools, we will help you find a replacement solution and assist with building out a custom-fit security framework that will work for you!

What Happens During / After a Breach?

While the entire web site will be preserved and deployed within a safe-environment (for testing, artifact collection and investigation), we will work to bring up a backup copy of your web location, secure the server and assist with any supporting documentation that is necessary if pressing charges is to be pursued.

In the event of an attack, or successful breach (due to zero-day, threat actor, insider threat, etc.) you will receive a time-line from the logs, IP investigation, files that have been modified or, added as well as an analysis of how the attack came together. Additionally, you will also receive a CD or pen-drive complete with the suspect files and documentation supporting what we found.

Want To Find Out More?

If you 'd like to find out more about our services, how we can integrate them into your small / medium sized business please feel free to contact us with the form below. We look forward to assisting you with your services and helping to better secure your environment.

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