This section will provide you with the services that we currently offer for your SMB (Small Medium Business) from malware removal, upgrades, web site monitoring and web security to end-point protection and security. We also provide group training touching on almost every aspect of security. The services that we provide are all listed below. If you need additional information, please feel free to phone us at: 1-(347)-586-9386. Should you need to ask a question about a specific service, please feel free to Contact us about a specific service

Web Server File Integrity Protection

Our web site file integrity scanner is a service provided that monitors your filesystem to protect your web root. If any changes are made (defacements, webshells, etc.) you can set our tools to actively handle the intrusion or file system event or, you can setup alerting. To learn more about our file system monitoring tools please

Log Analyzer

Launching a log analysis after or before a breach shouldn't have to be an all day affair. Network Defense Solutions, Inc. Has developed new tools that will help you collect artifacts, block IP addresses and assist with filing out abuse reports that you can send to your Host, and the offending IP ISP. With built-in scanners for malware, malicious users, CnC domains, malicious IP addresses, spam e-mail addresses our suite of tools would be THE ONLY tool you would need in order to scan, detect and block web application attacks.

Active Security Monitoring

Maintaining a web site, server or other on-demand technology is difficult enough. Maintaining the security of your environment can become a daunting task. Any business that has sustained an impact or incident event can tell you. Proper logging, detection and remediation are important. Security should be viewed as a "when it happens" rather than "if it happens." Being prepared with the right tools can give you a fighting chance to weather the storm. The landscape offers tools to small businesses to assist with attack remediation and detection however, most are out of the reach; either due to complexity or cost. To find out how you can protect your company, please click the

Threat Hunting

Suspect that your end-points, servers or other mission critical / infrastructure devices may have been compromised? Network Defense Solutions, Inc. will help you identify if any systems within your environment sustained an attack or, breach and help you restore! With on-going monitoring services and other security measures we can also assist with issues 24/7 and respond to threats as they affect your systems.

E-Mail Security Analysis Services

Here you can help identify threats that are targeting your organization and determine how you should protect your organization, workers and data. Network Defense Solutions, Inc. can help provide e-mail analysis of suspected e-mail messages for both phishing and malware. Our analysis dives deep into the threats and their origins to help you understand how your attackers think and how their tools / phishing campaigns come together.

Phishing & Malware Services

A set of tools to assist your small business identify malware risks, phishing and training to better prepare your organization to respond to an attack. Our tools allow you to handle identification of threats as well as arm your staff with the tools they need in order to identify, contain, respond and categorize attacks before they become an issue. Network Defense Solutions, Inc. also provides managed solutions to keep malicious content off your network and test it in a secure and sound location.

On-Site Virtualized Services

Many businesses rely on critical data within their organization that they need access to. A lot of the times, services like Amazon AWS and, Microsoft Azure may be out of reach on either costs with compute power or, storage. Learn how Network Defense Solutions, Inc. can provide services for your SMB with on-prem virtualized clients, software and tools to help you grow your business.

Virtual Office For Small Businesses

If you have a critical system at your location, you can understand the frustration if those services go down! Network Defense Solutions, Inc. can help. We offer a complete mirrored location to your business. From applications you use (Office, Windows, Databases, UPS Shipping Applications) to allow you to converge on ANY system in your environment if your main system goes down. We provide the system(s), security and protection as well as a backup of your data once your main systems are back online. We will either ship you the new information, or allow you to download it remotely to integrate into your rebuilt system.

On-Site Data Backup (Managed)

On-site data backup with managed services. QNAP / Synology.

Training & Education Portal

At Network Defense Solutions, Inc. we are gearing up for a new set of training and documentation, videos and labs to help guide you, your users or even students through some of the various subjects of information technology and, information security. Currently we are designing an extensive malware lab that covers MacOS, Linux, Windows and potentially other operating systems ;-). We will provide you with the tools and virtual machines needed in order to master the skills you need to effectively deliver on Malware Analysis, Ethical Hacking and, Incident Response. On top of this, you can choose to learn from our own portal right here, or, you can sign up for classes that are soon to come. For more information, please feel free to utilize this page.


A collection of solutions for on-site and off-site data backups and partial virtualization. These services help your company sustain operations if in the event an impactful situation arises and you still have internet. Please be advised these tools and utilities also enable you to restore systems that may have been infected or affected by a bad update or software install. Other Off-Site / On-Site Services: Managed On-Site Data Backup, Managed On-Site Data Backup & Virtualization, On-Site Data Backup & Virtualization, Off-Site Virtualization (Managed), ,
Collection of tools, resources and services that we've developed to help maintain your server or services from attack. Here you will find a collection of monitoring services as well as health checks and incident response resources that you can sign up with to help keep your environment secure. Whether you are looking to secure: SSH, Active Directory, Mail Exchanger, Web Site (IIS/Apache/Ngix), Backup your web location or more, we have the tools and expertise to help you.

Does your company need to get a handle on Phishing, Malware, ransomware or backups for recovery? Are you struggling with security and how to protect your environment? Here you will find a set of services we provide to not only protect your end-points but also your data and the information you need to protect. From malware to backups, security policies, repairs, upgrades and more!

A collection of services for businesses who require high availability.
On-Site Virtualization and databack up services with managed and unmanaged services
A collection of training and educational services provided by, Network Defense Solutions, Inc.

Looking for services and resources to help you build or, add value to your SOC? We have over 25 years of experience with responding to incidents, providing training for L1 and, L2 Analyst roles, building tooling for Incident Response, Malware & Phishing Analysis, Criticality Matrix Development, SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) development, forensic acquisition with both open-source tools and, professional tools as well as insight into logging and, monitoring. With hands-on training and, industry related best practices we can help you achieve a well rounded SOC to help keep your business, assets and data protected. Find out how!
Please select an operating system to learn more about the Incident Response services we provide.

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